PMDK C++ bindings  1.6.1
This is the C++ bindings documentation for PMDK's libpmemobj.
List of all members
pmem::detail::temp_value< T, NoExcept, typename std::enable_if< NoExcept &&(sizeof(T)< LIBPMEMOBJ_CPP_MAX_STACK_ALLOC_SIZE)>::type > Struct Template Reference

Specialization for non-throwing constructors and objects smaller than LIBPMEMOBJ_CPP_MAX_STACK_ALLOC_SIZE bytes. More...

#include <libpmemobj++/detail/temp_value.hpp>

Detailed Description

template<typename T, bool NoExcept>
struct pmem::detail::temp_value< T, NoExcept, typename std::enable_if< NoExcept &&(sizeof(T)< LIBPMEMOBJ_CPP_MAX_STACK_ALLOC_SIZE)>::type >

Specialization for non-throwing constructors and objects smaller than LIBPMEMOBJ_CPP_MAX_STACK_ALLOC_SIZE bytes.

Constructs and stores value in underlying field.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: