Basic asynchronous hashmap with Miniasync library

Miniasync library provides a framework for the composition and execution of asynchronous tasks in C. To accommodate different user-defined tasks and various types of data that they take in, libminiasync makes use of macros.

Using libminiasync for the first time can be challenging. There are multiple examples on the miniasync repo to make it easier. One of them is a hashmap example.

Hashmap example overview

The hashmap example on the Miniasync repository presents a hashmap with a fixed size that allocates memory upon key-value pair insertion. This particular implementation uses linear probing for hashmap entry lookup. Linear probing means that whenever we encounter a collision when inserting a key-value pair, we will move on to the next hashmap entry until we find an unoccupied entry. For the hash function, we use the Austin Appleby MurmurHash3 64-bit finalizer.

Each operation associated with hashmap entry insertion, deletion and search is implemented using Miniasync future API.

Creating a future

Future is an abstraction of an asynchronous task. Each future has to be defined using FUTURE(_name, _data_type, _output_type) macro. It takes future name _name, input data type _data_type and output data type _output_type. For more information about the futures, see future manpage on Miniasync github repository.

The lookup future definition from the hashmap example:

struct hashmap_lookup_data {
	struct hashmap *hm;
	uint64_t key;
	enum hashmap_entry_state state;
struct hashmap_lookup_output {
	struct hashmap_entry *hme;
FUTURE(hashmap_lookup_fut, struct hashmap_lookup_data,
		struct hashmap_lookup_output);

The lookup data struct hashmap_lookup_data contains a pointer to hashmap hm, key, and state of the searched entry. hm should point to an actual hashmap instance, key is an entry key used in the hash function, state indicates whether the lookup function should search for an existing or unoccupied hashmap entry.

The output data struct hashmap_lookup_output contains a pointer to the hashmap entry hme that points to the found hashmap entry.

FUTURE(...) macro defines a struct hashmap_lookup_fut future struct with struct hashmap_lookup_data as input data and struct hashmap_lookup_output as output.

Future task function

typedef enum future_state (*future_task_fn)(struct future_context *context,
			struct future_notifier *notifier);

The future task function contains the actual logic of the future. Every such task implementation must conform to the definition above. Future context provides access to the input and output data of a particular future.

Notifier feature is not used in the hashmap example, hence it will not be discussed. For more information about the notifiers take a look here.

The return value of future task function indicates the state of the future task.

enum future_state {

FUTURE_STATE_IDLE indicates that the future task did not start yet, FUTURE_STATE_COMPLETE means that it has already completed, and FUTURE_STATE_RUNNING signalizes that it’s still running.

The lookup future task function:

static enum future_state
hashmap_lookup_impl(struct future_context *ctx,
		struct future_notifier *notifier)
	struct hashmap_lookup_data *data =
	struct hashmap_lookup_output *output =
	struct hashmap *hm = data->hm;
	uint64_t key = data->key;
	enum hashmap_entry_state state = data->state;
	struct hashmap_entry *hme = NULL;
	if (key == 0) {
		printf("invalid key %" PRIu64 "\n", key);
		goto set_output;
	} else if (state == HASHMAP_ENTRY_STATE_UNOCCUPIED &&
			hm->capacity == hm->length) {
		printf("no space left for key %" PRIu64 "\n", key);
		goto set_output;
	} else if (state == HASHMAP_ENTRY_STATE_UNOCCUPIED &&
			hashmap_entry_lookup(hm, key,
		printf("key %" PRIu64 " already exists\n", key);
		goto set_output;
	int index = hashmap_entry_lookup(hm, key, state);
	if (index == -1) {
		switch (state) {
			/* Entry with given key is not present in the hashmap */
				goto set_output;
			 * An unoccupied entry wasn't found despite hashmap not
			 * being full. Re-run the lookup future.
				assert(0); /* should not be reachable */
	hme = &hm->entries[index];
	output->hme = hme;

Let’s break down the above code snippet.

	struct hashmap_lookup_data *data =
	struct hashmap_lookup_output *output =
	struct hashmap *hm = data->hm;
	uint64_t key = data->key;
	enum hashmap_entry_state state = data->state;

We get the pointers to the data and output structures through the ctx parameter using future_context_get_data(...) and future_context_get_output(...) functions. Data and output types are the same types provided to the FUTURE(...) macro.

	if (key == 0) {
		printf("invalid key %" PRIu64 "\n", key);
		goto set_output;
	} else if (state == HASHMAP_ENTRY_STATE_UNOCCUPIED &&
			hm->capacity == hm->length) {
		printf("no space left for key %" PRIu64 "\n", key);
		goto set_output;
	} else if (state == HASHMAP_ENTRY_STATE_UNOCCUPIED &&
			hashmap_entry_lookup(hm, key,
		printf("key %" PRIu64 " already exists\n", key);
		goto set_output;

Then, we perform some checks on the obtained input data. In case one of the checks failed, we set the output entry address to NULL and return FUTURE_STATE_COMPLETE.

int index = hashmap_entry_lookup(hm, key, state);

Next, we use the obtained input data to find the index of the hashmap entry.

	if (index == -1) {
		switch (state) {
			/* Entry with given key is not present in the hashmap */
				goto set_output;
			 * An unoccupied entry wasn't found despite hashmap not
			 * being full. Re-run the lookup future.
				assert(0); /* should not be reachable */

If searching for the index of an existing entry failed, we proceed similarly to the failed check case.

If we were looking for the index of an unoccupied entry and nothing was found, we return FUTURE_STATE_RUNNING. hashmap_lookup_impl will be re-run upon the next poll, preserving all the changes made to the data and output.

	hme = &hm->entries[index];
	output->hme = hme;

Lastly, when we found an entry, we set the output entry pointer to its address and return FUTURE_STATE_COMPLETE.

Initializing a future

Having defined the future input, output and task function, we can create an instance of the lookup future.

static struct hashmap_lookup_fut
hashmap_lookup(struct hashmap *hm, uint64_t key, enum hashmap_entry_state state)
	struct hashmap_lookup_fut future;
	/* Set input values */ = hm; = key; = state;
	/* Set default output value */
	future.output.hme = NULL;
	FUTURE_INIT(&future, hashmap_lookup_impl);
	return future;

In the above code fragment, we create a struct hashmap_lookup_fut structure and set its input data and default output values. After that, we initialize this future and bind it with a hashmap_lookup_impl(...) task function using the FUTURE_INIT(...) macro. After those operations, struct hashmap_lookup_fut is ready to be polled.

Creating a chained future

Multiple futures can be composed into a single chained future. When polled, chained future executes its future entries sequentially in the order they were defined. We can define a future as the chained future entry using FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY(_future_type, _name) macro. It takes two parameters, _future_type is the type of the future, and _name is the name of the variable stored in the data structure.

struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_data {
	FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY(struct hashmap_lookup_fut, lookup);
	FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY(struct hashmap_entry_set_state_fut, set_state);
	FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY_LAST(struct chain_entries_rerun_fut, entries_rerun);
	struct future_chain_entry *entriesp[2];
struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_output {
	struct hashmap_entry *hme;
FUTURE(hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_fut, struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_data,
		struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_output);

Here, struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_fut future consists of three other futures, struct hashmap_lookup_fut that was discussed, struct hashmap_entry_set_state_fut, and ‘struct chain_entries_rerun_fut’ that follow the same principles the lookup future does. struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_fut is a chained future responsible for finding an appropriate hashmap entry and locking it in the HASHMAP_ENTRY_STATE_LOCKED state. Hashmap entry locking ensures that no other future will interact with this hashmap entry until we finish processing it and change its state.

If we would like to store some additional data in the struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_data structure, besides the future entries, we can use the FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY_LAST(_future_type, _name) macro. It works as the FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY(...) macro, but we should use it to define the last future entry. Then, we can safely declare some additional data after it. For example, struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_data stores entriesp, an array of pointers to struct future_chain_entry. We use entriesp to save the chained future entries that should be re-run. Then, we employ the chain_entry_rerun_fut future to re-run those future entries.

We should declare additional chained future data only after using the FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY_LAST(...) macro.

Initializing a chained future

Chained futures are initialized quite differently from regular futures. Each member future must be initialized using either FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY_INIT(_entry, _fut, _map, _map_arg) or FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY_LAZY_INIT(_entry, _init, _init_arg, _map, _map_arg) macro. We will focus on FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY_INIT(...) macro.

FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY_INIT(...) takes four parameters. _entry is a pointer to the future entry. _fut is an initialized future structure. _map defines the mapping behavior of the data between the future currently being initialized and the next future in the chain. Mapping function of the last future entry should map the data between this entry and the chained future containing it. _map_arg is the mapping function argument.

static struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_fut
hashmap_lookup_lock_entry(struct hashmap *hm, uint64_t key,
		enum hashmap_entry_state state)
	struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_fut chain;
	/* Initialize chained future entries */
			hashmap_lookup(hm, key, state),
			lookup_to_set_state_map, NULL);
			hashmap_entry_set_state(NULL, state,
			chain_entry_rerun_init, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	/* Set default chained future output value */
	chain.output.hme = NULL;
	return chain;

In this code fragment we create and initialize a struct hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_fut future structure and its future entries.

			hashmap_lookup(hm, key, state),
			lookup_to_set_state_map, NULL);

We initialize the lookup future entry using FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY_INIT(...) macro. & is an address of the lookup future entry. hashmap_lookup(hm, key, state) returns a new, initialized struct hashmap_lookup_fut future. lookup_to_set_state_map maps the data from lookup future to the set_state future.

static void
lookup_to_set_state_map(struct future_context *lookup_ctx,
		struct future_context *set_state_ctx, void *arg)
	struct hashmap_lookup_output *lookup_unoccupied_output =
	struct hashmap_entry_set_state_data *set_state_data =
	struct hashmap_entry *hme = lookup_unoccupied_output->hme;
	if (hme == NULL) {
		 * Entry lookup failed, no need to lock the entry in
		 * 'locked' state.
		set_state_ctx->state = FUTURE_STATE_COMPLETE;
	set_state_data->hme = hme;

In the lookup_to_set_state_map mapping function we access the data of lookup and set_state futures through their contexts. Then, we check if the lookup future has found a hashmap entry. If lookup future didn’t find an entry, we mark the set_state future as completed. set_state will not be executed when it’s marked as completed. Lastly, we set the lookup output entry in the set_state input data.

We initialize the set_state, and ’entries_rerun’ futures entries similarly to the lookup future entry.


After initializing each chained future entry, we initialize the chained future by passing its address to the FUTURE_CHAIN_INIT(...) macro. hashmap_lookup_lock_entry_fut future is now ready to be polled.

Initializing chained future entries lazily

We can also initialize chained future entries lazily using FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY_LAZY_INIT(_entry, _init, _init_arg, _map, _map_arg) macro. _entry, _map, and _map_arg parameters are the same as in the FUTURE_CHAIN_ENTRY_INIT(...) macro. _init is an entry initialization function that has to conform to the typedef void (*future_init_fn)(void *future, struct future_context *chain_fut, void *arg) definition, _init_arg is the initialization function argument.

Lazily initialized future entry is initialized right before its execution.

We can find an example of a lazy entry initialization in the hashmap_get_copy_fut future.

static struct hashmap_get_copy_fut
hashmap_get_copy(struct vdm *vdm, struct hashmap *hm, uint64_t key)
	struct hashmap_get_copy_fut chain;
	/* Initialize chained future entries */
			hashmap_lookup_lock_entry(hm, key,
			memcpy_value_init, vdm, NULL, NULL);
			set_state_init_for_get, NULL, NULL, NULL);
	/* Set default output values */
	chain.output.size = 0;
	chain.output.value = NULL;
	return chain;

hashmap_get_copy(...) looks similar to the already discussed hashmap_lookup_lock_entry(...) function, except we initialize some of its future entries lazily. We will focus on the set_state entry.

			set_state_init_for_get, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Previously we have used hashmap_entry_set_state(...) to initialize the set_state entry. Now, we pass along an address of the set_state_init_for_get(...) function that is responsible for initializaing the set_state entry.

static void
set_state_init_for_get(void *future,
		struct future_context *hashmap_get_copy_ctx, void *arg)
	struct hashmap_get_copy_data *data =
	struct hashmap_entry_set_state_fut fut = {.output.changed = 0};
	struct hashmap_entry *hme = data->lookup_lock_entry.fut.output.hme;
	if (hme == NULL) {
		 * 'lookup_lock_entry' future entry failed to find a hashmap
		 * entry. 'set_state' future entry shouldn't be executed.
	} else {
		 * 'lookup_lock_entry' was successful.
		 * Set hashmap entry state to 'present'.
		fut = hashmap_entry_set_state(hme,
	memcpy(future, &fut, sizeof(fut));

In the set_state_init_for_get function, we get the output from the lookup_lock_entry future entry and check if we found and locked a valid hashmap entry. We want to omit the set_state future entry execution when lookup_lock_entry output is invalid. In that case, we use the FUTURE_INIT_COMPLETE(_futurep) macro to mark the set_state future as completed. In case the lookup_lock_entry future output is valid, we call the hashmap_entry_set_state(...) function with appropriate parameters. Finally, we copy the initialized future fut to the address pointed by the future parameter using the memset(...) function. future points to the future entry that we are currently initializing.


In summary, we have covered the future creation and initialization. We have also discussed the concept of chained futures and how we should initialize their entries. Lastly, we have talked over the lazy future initialization.

For more information about the Miniasync library, see its GitHub repository.

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