Enabling Persistent Memory in Cloud Software Architectures

Webinar Title

title: “Enabling Persistent Memory in Cloud Software Architectures”

Webinar dates and times (UTC)

event_start_date: ‘2021-05-27T00:00:00Z’ event_end_date: ‘2021-05-27T01:00:00Z’

Webinar image

eg: image: ‘images/events/3.jpg’ // Use a local image

eg: image: ‘https://myevent.com/heroimg.jpg' // Use an image from the event website

image: '’

Webinar URL. Specify the HTTPS URL for the event home page.

webinar_url: ‘https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/videos/enabling-persistent-memory-in-cloud-software-architectures.html'

Registration URL (if different than the event home page)

webinar_registration: '’

Publish immediately

draft: false

Brief webinar description

description: ‘Intel launched the first generation of Intel® Optane™ persistent memory, and it is widely available from several vendors with full operating system support from both Microsoft Windows*, most Linux* distros, and file systems like ext4, XFS, and NTFS. Persistent memory is a technology that is byte-digestible, like DRAM, and has high capacity non-volatile storage capabilities. So, how do developers leverage persistent memory?’

Video URL

eg: url: “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2KYqdyZcQY"

video_url: ‘https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/videos/enabling-persistent-memory-in-cloud-software-architectures.html'

Webinars category

webinars: [‘Cloud’]

Post type

type: ‘webinar’

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