pmem2_config_set_address() - set requested address in the pmem2_config structure
#include <libpmem2.h>
struct pmem2_config;
enum pmem2_address_request_type {
int pmem2_config_set_address(struct pmem2_config *cfg, void *addr,
enum pmem2_address_request_type request_type);
The pmem2_config_set_address() function sets the starting address *addr which will be used for memory mapping. If the *addr is not specified in the config, the starting address will be chosen by the operating system. The \request_type specifies how strictly the address should be enforced. *config should be already initialized, please see pmem2_config_new(3) for details. The *addr cannot be NULL and must be a multiple of the alignment required for the data source which will be used for mapping alongside the config. To retrieve the alignment required for specific instance of pmem2_source use pmem2_source_alignment(3). To reset *addr and \request_type to the default values, please use pmem2_config_clear_address(3).
Possible address request types are:
PMEM2_ADDRESS_FIXED_REPLACE - not supported yet.
PMEM2_ADDRESS_FIXED_NOREPLACE - *addr cannot be NULL, kernel tries to place the mapping at exactly the address which was set by user. When any part of <*addr, *addr + length> address space is occupied, pmem2_map(3) fails with the PMEM2_E_MAPPING_EXISTS return code.
When pmem2_config_set_address() succeeds it returns 0. Otherwise, it returns one of the following error values:
PMEM2_E_INVALID_ADDRESS_REQUEST_TYPE - set address request type is invalid.
PMEM2_E_ADDRESS_NULL - cannot use address request type PMEM2_ADDRESS_FIXED_NOREPLACE when address is NULL.
libpmem2(7), pmem2_config_clear_address(3), pmem2_config_new(3), pmem2_map(3), pmem2_source_alignment(3), sysconf(3) and
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