pmemset API version 1.0

The PMDK repository on GitHub is the ultimate source of information on PMDK from release 2.0! For all questions and to submit eventual issues please follow to that repository. The PMDK documentation collected here should be valid up to the 1.13.1 release but is maintained only on a best-effort basis and may not reflect the latest state of the art.



pmemset_config_set_event_callback() - set an event callback


#include <libpmemset.h>
struct pmemset_event_context {
	enum pmemset_event type;
	union {
		struct pmemset_event_copy copy;
		struct pmemset_event_move move;
		struct pmemset_event_set set;
		struct pmemset_event_flush flush;
		struct pmemset_event_persist persist;
		struct pmemset_event_remove_range remove_range;
		struct pmemset_event_part_remove part_remove;
		struct pmemset_event_part_add part_add;
		struct pmemset_event_sds_update sds_update;
		struct pmemset_event_badblock badblock;
		struct pmemset_event_badblocks_cleared badblocks_cleared;
	} data;

typedef int pmemset_event_callback(struct pmemset *set,
        struct pmemset_event_context *ctx,
        void *arg);

void pmemset_config_set_event_callback(struct pmemset_config *cfg,
		pmemset_event_callback *callback, void *arg);


The pmemset_config_set_event_callback() sets an user provided callback in cfg. arg will be passed to the callback each time it will be called by the library.

The callback will be called by pmemset each time an event occurs. Events are only fired during the user’s calls of the libpmemset(7) methods. The detailed list of events and its description can be found in Events section below. The callback function should return 0 in case of success. If the event supports error handling, the callback can return a non-zero value in case of error, otherwise return value is ignored. Struct pmemset_event_context is a tagged union, which contains all event structures, in libpmemset(7). The type field contains information of the type of the event fired, where the data union contains event-specific information.

There’s no guarantee that accessing pointers in ctx inside of the callback is thread-safe. The library user must guarantee this by not having multiple threads accessing the same region on the set. Once the function exits ctx and its data are invalid.


The pmemset_config_set_event_callback() returns no value.


struct pmemset_event_flush {
	void *addr;
	size_t len;

PMEMSET_EVENT_FLUSH is fired before pmemset_flush(3) or pmemset_persist(3) completes its work. The flush field in data union contains addr and len passed to those functions. This event doesn’t support error handling, which means that the value returned by the callback function is ignored.

PMEMSET_EVENT_DRAIN is fired after pmemset_drain(3) or pmemset_persist(3) completes its work. In case of pmemset_persist(3) this event is fired after PMEMSET_EVENT_FLUSH. This event doesn’t support error handling, which means that the value returned by the callback function is ignored.

struct pmemset_event_copy {
	void *src;
	void *dest;
	size_t len;
	unsigned flags;

struct pmemset_event_move {
	void *src;
	void *dest;
	size_t len;
	unsigned flags;

struct pmemset_event_set {
	void *dest;
	int value;
	size_t len;
	unsigned flags;

PMEMSET_EVENT_COPY, PMEMSET_EVENT_MOVE, PMEMSET_EVENT_SET are fired, respectively, before pmemset_memcpy(3), pmemset_memmove(3), pmemset_memset(3) completed its work. Similarly, copy, move, or set fields in the data union contain all arguments passed to these functions. If PMEMSET_F_MEM_NODRAIN flag is not passed to these functions, a single PMEMSET_EVENT_DRAIN will be fired on the end of operation. During these functions “flush” and “drain” operations are performed, but they will not trigger any additional events. PMEMSET_EVENT_FLUSH and PMEMSET_EVENT_DRAIN This event doesn’t support error handling, which means that the value returned by the callback function is ignored.

struct pmemset_event_part_add {
	void *addr;
	size_t len;
	struct pmem2_source *src;

PMEMSET_EVENT_PART_ADD is fired for each new part added to the pmemset, after pmemset_part_map(3) completes its work. The part_add field in data union contains address addr and length len of the new part and a source src from which it was created.

struct pmemset_event_part_remove {
	void *addr;
	size_t len;

PMEMSET_EVENT_PART_REMOVE is fired for each part mapping removed from the pmemset, before pmemset_remove_part_map(3) function completes its work. The part_remove field in data union contains addr and len of the part to be removed.

struct pmemset_event_remove_range {
	void *addr;
	size_t len;

PMEMSET_EVENT_REMOVE_RANGE is fired for each range removed from the pmemset, before pmemset_remove_range(3) function completes its work. The remove_range field in data union contains addr and len of the range to be removed. This event can trigger PMEMSET_EVENT_PART_REMOVE for each whole part mapping that is removed from the set as a result of the removed range.

struct pmemset_event_sds_update {
	struct pmemset_sds *sds;
	struct pmemset_source *src;

PMEMSET_EVENT_SDS_UPDATE is fired after each change made to any shutdown data state structure provided by the user. Fields sds and src correspond respectively to the SDS structure and a source it corresponds to.

struct pmemset_event_badblock {
	struct pmemset_badblock *bb;
	struct pmemset_source *src;

PMEMSET_EVENT_BADBLOCK is fired for each bad block detected in the source src. Bad block bb contains offset and length of the detected bad block.

struct pmemset_event_badblocks_cleared {
	struct pmemset_source *src;

PMEMSET_EVENT_BADBLOCKS_CLEARED is fired when all bad blocks of given source src are cleared via event callback. Bad blocks can be cleared with pmemset_badblock_clear(3) function.


pmemset_badblock_clear(3), pmemset_map(3), libpmem2(7), libpmemset(7) and

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