300 nanoseconds (1 of 2)

300 nanoseconds (1 of 2)

Educating people has always been a challenge for me. I tend to skip over things I wrongly consider obvious, or do large leaps in reasoning when explaining a solution to a problem. And so, when faced with an attempt to explain a complex topic, I tend to ramble on and on, hoping that the audience …

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Vmem is split out of PMDK

Vmem is split out of PMDK


We have just split libvmem and its companion libvmmalloc out of the PMDK tree. They now live in a separate repository, and will follow their own release cadence. And, as these libraries are considered mature and finished, no new releases are planned once the split has been tested and …

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New release of PMDK

New release of PMDK

If you are following our mailing group, you’ve probably noticed a stream of release announcements for libraries that are a part of PMDK. Here’s a recap of the most important new features and additions.

libpmemkv 1.0

The primary goal of PMDK is enabling adoption of Persistent Memory. We …

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C++ standard limitations and Persistent Memory

C++ standard limitations and Persistent Memory


C++ language restrictions and the persistent memory programming paradigm imply serious restrictions on objects which may be stored on persistent medium. A user can access persistent memory with memory mapped files to take advantage of its byte addressability thanks to libpmemobj and …

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Multi-level vmemcache

Multi-level vmemcache


vmemcache which we have recently described performs close to optimum when either all keys are approximately equally likely to be queried, or when all key:value pairs fit completely into the fastest form of memory you are willing to use. But, in many workloads, some keys are “hot” and …

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